Don’t let your high car insurance rates take the fun out of driving. Not when you can get the cheapest car insurance rates in Minden from USAgencies. Start by receiving your free car insurance quote online and within minutes you’ll know you’re dealing with the best insurance in Louisiana. Whether you’re a high-risk driver who needs SR-22 insurance or motorcycle, renters, and indemnity coverage, USAgencies will make sure you have the type of insurance you need at a price you can afford.
USAgencies believes our customers come first. That’s why we shop for the most competitive rates available. Every day, more and more people leave their old insurance companies and move over to where the savings are – USAgencies. We’re conveniently located at the corner of Homer Rd. and Southridge Dr. Call or visit our office at 1138 Homer Rd., Minden, LA 71055 and start saving on your insurance today!
- Car Insurance
- Renters Insurance
- Motorcycle Insurance
- SR-22 Insurance
- Indemnity Insurance
- Immediate Insurance Cards
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- Roadside Assistance
- Cash
- American Express
- Visa
- Mastercard
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- Diners Club
- Personal Checks
- Western Union