Spring Motorcycle Safety Tips in Louisiana

There’s more to Louisiana in the spring than Mardi Gras and Cajun cuisine. That gorgeous weather makes for great motorcycle rides, too! Let’s look at spring motorcycle safety tips for the Pelican State to keep you happy and healthy as you head down the road. Don’t forget to make sure your motorcycle insurance is ready to go, as well.
Are Motorcycle Helmets Part of Spring Motorcycle Safety Tips?
Of course, and they’re the law. Both the operator of a motorcycle and the passenger, if you have one, are required to wear helmets. Not only is it the law, but it’s also one of the best ways to keep yourself and your passenger safe on a ride.
Review the law and make sure that your helmet complies and fits right. Full face helmets are typically the safest style of motorcycle helmets because they give you 360-degree protection. The visor also helps protect you from wind, bugs, and road debris.
How is Proper Clothing Part of Spring Motorcycle Safety Tips for Louisiana?
The stronger your clothing is at protecting your skin and bones, the safer you will be in an accident. Consider wearing motorcycle body armor in addition to a good pair of boots. A motorcycle jacket, gloves, riding pants, and riding suits can go a long way to keeping you in one piece if the unforeseen happens. High-density foam together with carbon fiber will give you protection from abrasions at a level that regular street clothing simply can’t.
For years, safety experts have known that it is best to wear proper boots while riding a motorcycle. According to a 2016 Safer America report, 30% of motorcycle injuries happen to legs and feet. Boots do more than protect your feet and ankles. They also protect you from weather and give you traction when needed. Body armor boots can offer even greater protection in some cases.
Can Louisiana Motorcycle Insurance Help to Keep Me Safe?
Safe and defensive driving will be the best bet to keep you safe, but carrying the proper motorcycle insurance will help to protect you from the results of an event. The State of Louisiana requires you to carry a minimum of motorcycle liability insurance coverage. You must have at least the following:
- $15,000 per person for death or bodily injury
- $30,000 per accident for death or bodily injury
- $25,000 for property damage
This is sometimes referred to as a “15-30-25 policy”. In the event of an accident that is legally your fault, injuries and damages to other drivers and their passengers would be covered up to those limits.
It’s always wise to consult an insurance professional when choosing Louisiana motorcycle insurance. In addition to the details of liability insurance, if you are still making payments on your motorcycle, the lender will require you to carry full coverage insurance in an amount that is at least equal to the current balance on your loan.
Many people prefer to add collision insurance anyway. That way, if they are in an accident that is legally their fault, the amount of the collision insurance coverage (minus your deductible) can be used to repair or replace your motorcycle. Especially if you use your bike as your main form of transportation, this can be a good strategy.
How Slow Should I Go On My Motorcycle in Louisiana?
The best speed for a motorcycle ride depends on the speed limit, the traffic, the weather, and the road conditions, but speed can, in fact, kill. If you are riding a bit slower, you will have more reaction time to consider obstacles in your way, whether that is a car slamming on its brakes, a manhole cover, or a pedestrian.
Taking a motorcycle safety course is always a good idea. Not only will you learn how to be a safer and more defensive driver, you may also be able to get a discount on your motorcycle insurance premium.
Also, bear in mind that Louisiana’s beautiful cities are made up of some of the most winding, twisty streets that you will find anywhere! Many of them were originally in place long before modern transportation, making them narrower than many city streets being mapped out today. Add in some tourists, and you have a ready-made obstacle course. Be careful out there.
Is There a Safe BAC Spring Motorcycle Safety Tip?
The safest BAC is always zero. With that said, the same blood alcohol content limits that apply to cars and trucks apply to motorcycles. In Louisiana, the threshold at which you are legally driving drunk is .08, and if your BAC reaches .15, you could face increased penalties. Beyond legal penalties, however, you endanger yourself and others anytime you drive impaired. Just don’t do it. It’s not worth the risk.
If you have a DUI in your past, make sure to discuss this with your insurance professional when looking into Louisiana motorcycle insurance. The right advisor can help you understand your rights and discuss how to get you back on the road safely and legally. You can get insurance despite past mistakes, and it’s important to talk with a trusted professional who can guide you through the process.
How Can I Ride My Motorcycle Safer in the Rain?
By changing your strategies for handling your motorcycle, being careful at slippery intersections, and trying to find and stay on a dry path, you can stay safer in the rain on your bike. This may sound obvious, but friction is reduced greatly by rain. Never accelerate quickly on wet pavement. Use the throttle smoothly and increase your speed one short increment at a time. Also, reduce your lean angle as you are going around corners and curves. Apply your brakes early and gradually to maintain the best control over your motorcycle in the rain.
Intersections are always a bit of a risk, but they get even riskier in the rain. Drivers may run red lights thinking that they won’t be able to stop, and if the rain is reducing visibility, they may be less likely to spot motorcyclists, and oils on the pavement can be extra slippery. Finding a dry path to follow in the rain is a great idea. The more clearly you can distinguish between wet and dry pavement, the safer you will be. The dryer the pavement, the better the maneuverability.
Find Affordable Motorcycle Insurance in Louisiana Today
Because you can’t drive a motorcycle in Louisiana without insurance any more than you can operate one without the proper license, you will want to be sure you get the best rates. Visit USAgencies for a fast and free online motorcycle insurance quote, call us at (800) 420-3712 today or stop by one of our offices to get a budget-friendly quote today!