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SR-22 Filing

Because an SR-22 is associated with high-risk auto insurance, it is important you properly file the required documents. Also, keep in mind, a teen driver designated as a high-risk driver must also file an SR-22 if required. Here are the necessary steps:

  1. Contact a state-authorized insurance agency to request for a SR-22 filing.
  2. Pay the processing fee to the agency.
  3. As per the State laws of Louisiana, the minimum amount of coverage is as follows:
    • $15,000 for one person killed or injured
    • $30,000 for two or more persons killed or injured
    • $25,000 for property damage.
  4. Upon receiving the request from the agent the carrier files the SR-22 with the State.
  5. If accepted, you will receive the SR-22 from the agency, along with a letter from the Department of Public Safety.
  6. The SR-22 must be maintained for a minimum period of 36 months. If the motorist does not renew it at least 15 days before the expiration date, the agency notifies the State. The State may then suspend the driver’s license of the motorist until the insurance is reinstated.


  1. If you are from out of state your out of state proof of financial responsibility will be accepted provided that your insurer certifies in writing that the insurance policy complies with the laws of the state of Louisiana. It is best to contact your insurance agent to find out if your out of state policy is valid in the state of Louisiana.
  2. If you are required to file SR-22 in Louisiana you will have to do so through an insurance company that is licensed to do business in the state.


  • For more information on SR 22 filing in Louisiana, contact:

Mailing Address:
Office of Motor Vehicles
P.O. Box 64886
Baton Rouge, LA 70896

Physical Address:
Office of Motor Vehicles
7979 Independence Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806